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Tower Hamlets to produce Whitechapel masterplan

The London Borough of Tower Hamlets has announced plans to work up a new masterplan for the Whitechapel area to help it develop, retain business and attract new investors.

Under the project named 'Whitechapel Vision' the Council will work with design practice BDP and consult with local residents and key stakeholders in the area to produce a "cohesive and deliverable" plan for the area.

The Council said in a statement that the project has been spurred on by the arrival of Crossrail in 2018, which will make Whitechapel "better connected" and "within easy reach of an additional 1.5 million commuters".

“Whitechapel Vision is about initiating change for the benefit of businesses, residents and visitors in the area," said Tower Hamlets Mayor Lutfur Rahman. “We’re really excited that the arrival of Crossrail will mean Whitechapel is better connected to stations like Bond Street and Tottenham Court Road, and more accessible to counties further afield."

“This project will help us elevate Whitechapel, bring in investment and showcase what the area has to offer the rest of London, and beyond," he said.

The Council said that BDP will invite local stakeholders to share their ideas and aspirations for the area over the coming months. 

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