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Kensington and Chelsea resolves to approve phase two of Wornington Green regeneration plan

The Royal borough of Kensington and Chelsea has resolved to approve detailed plans for the second phase of developer Catalyst Housing's regeneration of the Wornington Green housing estate in west London, according to a report in the Estates Gazette.

Phase two of the project will see the construction of two blocks of three to seven storeys in height under the proposals. The blocks will house a combined 321 new residential units, 179 of which will be affordable homes, with a mix of one to four bedrooms. 710 square metres of ground floor commercial floorspace is proposed, in two units along the Portobello Road.

The detailed plans were on the agenda for discussion at a meeting of the Council's planning committee on 15 July, having been recommended for approval in a planning officer's report. Outline permission was granted in January for the layout and approximate dimensions of the proposed buildings and the location of the main access points to the site.

The wider regeneration scheme proposes the construction of ten buildings in five phases across a 5.1 hectare site. It replaces a demolished social housing estate of 23 blocks that held 538 social rented affordable homes. The new buildings will house up to 1,000 new residential units and 3,100 sq m of non-residential floorspace under the plans. The scheme also includes a 9,186 sq m public park.

 Phase one of the project is currently under construction and work on phase two is expected to commence in August 2015.

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