Out-Law News

Alibaba teams with Chinese army researchers to create satellite positioning service

E-commerce giant Alibaba has set up a satellite positioning service provision business in a joint venture with Chinese army research body Norinco Group. 

The satellite business, Qianxun, has registered capital of 2 billion yuan ($313 million) and is equally owned by the parent companies, Norico said (link in Chinese).

The company will provide positioning services to government, businesses and the public by bringing together Alibaba's cloud computing service with the Beidou satellite location system, Norinco said.

Norinco is the authorised company for research and applications on the Beidou system, which has five geostationary orbit satellites and 30 non-geostationary orbit satellites, according to its website.

Qianxun will offer location information and data mining services to clients, Norinco said.

Alibaba has been expanding its Aliyun cloud computing service recently, including opening a second data centre in the US.

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