Out-Law News

Development plans for six neighbourhoods approved in referendums

Residents in six neighbourhoods in England have voted in favour of their respective neighbourhood development plans in referendums held last week.

Referendums were held on Thursday in the parishes of Wing and Great Horwood, both in Buckinghamshire; Horninglow and Eton in East Staffordshire; Ardingly in Mid Sussex; Denmead in Hampshire; and the Buckinghamshire town of Chalfont St Peter. Residents voting in all six referendums voted in favour of their respective plans being adopted, with the proportion of "yes" votes ranging from 66% in Denmead to 95% in Wing.

Thursday's results mean that a total of 60 neighbourhood plans have been approved in referendums since March 2013, when the Upper Eden neighbourhood plan became the first to pass a public vote.

Once formally adopted by the relevant local authorities, the neighbourhood plans will form part of the development plans for their respective areas. Under national planning policy, applications for planning permission must be decided in accordance with development plans unless there are material considerations which indicate otherwise

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