Out-Law News

PwC Consulting ridiculed in domain name farce

PricewaterhouseCoopers consulting arm has re-branded as “Monday” at a cost of £70 million. Included in this figure was its purchase for over £3 million of the name and trade marks of a PR firm that was, inconveniently, called “OneMonday.” For just £10 more, however, PwC could have avoided some of the humiliation it now faces on the internet.

Monday’s launch web site is at the domain name IntroducingMonday.com. Unfortunately, PwC did not bother to register IntroducingMonday.co.uk (which would have cost around £10). That name has been taken by the comedy site b3ta.com which is running a piece of animation at IntroducingMonday.co.uk which sticks two fingers up to Monday with the message “We’ve got your name.”

Cybersquatting it may be, but Monday is only likely to face further humiliation by taking any action to recover the name.

Monday’s main site will be at Monday.com. Unfortunately, it did not acquire Monday.co.uk which is owned by e-mail provider another.com and can be used by anyone as an address @Monday.co.uk. Monday.cc is also poking fun at the consultants.

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