Out-Law News 1 min. read

Man banned from premium-rate phone business

An 'associated individual' of a number of offending premium-rate phone services has been banned for two years from all premium rate businesses. Jason Gambling has been banned by regulator ICSTIS.

ICSTIS, the Independent Committee for the Supervision of Standards of Telephone Information Services, said that a series of businesses to which Gambling was connected "seriously breached the ICSTIS Code of Practice".

"The Panel was minded to name Jason Gambling as an associated individual who should be prohibited from providing, or contracted for the provision of, any premium rate services," said the ruling.

Gambling was found to be connected to PRS Communications Ltd and Pre-Selected Promotions Ltd, two companies which operated "offending services". The companies had been found to be sending unsolicited text messages to mobile phone users claiming fictional affiliations with established companies.

Other promotions left automated voice messages on landlines encouraging users to call premium rate numbers without giving information about call cost or duration and without attempting to prevent messages reaching children, said ICSTIS.

"Mr Gambling has been prohibited following a lengthy, detailed investigation into his apparent involvement with various service providers operating under numerous names, all of whom were involved in operating 'prize claim line' services that seriously breached the ICSTIS Code of Practice," said an ICSTIS statement.

PRS had operated under a number of names, including Great Holiday Offers, New Sports Offers, Exceptional Promotions and Better Phone Deals.

When PRS appealed the decisions of ICSTIS the Independent Appeals Board found that PRS had made a deliberate attempt "to avoid the mandatory provisions of the Code of Practice by continuing to operate the service under different trading names".

ICSTIS published a note requesting that phone networks help to prevent banned individuals operating services by "remaining vigilant to ensure that such individuals do not attempt to start up services while they are subject to prohibition."

Gambling accepted the two year ban without a hearing, said ICSTIS.

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