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Planning for 80 bed West London care home granted

Urban regeneration specialist Inland Homes has been granted detailed planning permission for its plans to build an 80-bed nursing home at Drayton Garden Village in west London.

Outline planning permission had already been granted for the Drayton Garden Village regeneration project, a new neighbourhood which has permission for 773 plots to provide housing, community facilities and a care home.

On being awarded planning consent for the new care home, Inland Homes agreed an unconditional sale of the site for £1.8m. The sale is expected to complete on 18 January.

The 31-acre brownfield site was formerly used by the RAF and required extensive regeneration work, the developers said.  

The contaminated land was all treated on site using bio-remediation to make it safe and re-usable. The developers also avoided transporting 3,000 lorry loads of waste to landfill by re-using the de-contaminated material for foundations and roads.

"I am delighted that this contract is now unconditional and has resulted in an extremely attractive receipt for this 0.75-acre plot. The nursing home operator expects to commence construction in mid 2012," said Stephen Wicks, chief executive of Inland.

"Upon completion, up to 100 jobs will be created, boosting the local economy and advancing Inland's vision of creating a vibrant new mixed-use community at Drayton Garden Village," said Wicks.

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