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AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo! unite to fight spam

AOL, Microsoft and Yahoo! yesterday launched a campaign to fight spam. The group will work together with organizations across the industry to create technical standards and guidelines that will stop the worldwide flood of unsolicited commercial e-mail.

Recent studies by Jupiter Research have established that the ordinary American will receive over 2,200 spam messages per year; and in the UK, the Government recently estimated that 40% of all e-mail messages are spam.

Yesterday's joint announcement represents the first industry-wide initiative of its kind.

The intention is to combat spam on four fronts: protecting users from receiving spam; preventing the use of e-mail services for sending spam; setting standards so that genuine commercial e-mail can be recognised; and working with law enforcement to make spammers more accountable.

According to AOL, "the companies believe that the issue of spam can only be significantly addressed through a comprehensive approach, including technology, responsible customer communications, appropriate legislation, enforcement and consumer education."

David Cole, senior vice president of MSN, added, "The time has come for competitors and the industry at large to work together to address the burden of spam".

The anti-spam theme will continue this week as the Federal Trade Commission hosts a public forum on spam. The three-day event will bring together government, technology and industry in an effort to co-ordinate the attack.

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